President: Tony Ries
The President shall be the chief executive officer of the association and shall in general, supervise and control all business and affairs of the Association. The President shall preside at all meetings, serve as an ex-officio member on all committees, call special meetings of the KHOA and/or its Leadership Board when deemed necessary. The President shall also be the Referee-in-Chief and will be responsible for all activities of KHOA officials with respect to training, rule application, procedures, and conduct of the membership. The President shall also be responsible for coordinating these activities with USA Hockey through the District Referee-in-Chief.
Vice President: Jeff Whitfield
In the absence of the President or in the President's inability or refusal to act, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President and when so acting, shall have all of the powers of the President. The Vice President shall support the President and assist in responsibilities including training, rule application, procedures, and conduct of the membership.
Treasurer: Jeff Johnson
The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all funds of the KHOA. They shall provide an annual report at the each seminar meeting and any other reports when deemed necessary by the President or Vice President. Audits of the KHOA finances should be completed, by an independent source, once every three (3) years and at the beginning of the term of a newly elected member prior to their assumption of the role of the Treasure, whether that be by resignation, removal, or other circumstance.
Scheduler: John Ford
The Scheduler shall be responsible for scheduling appropriately skilled officials for games, publishing referee schedule in a timely fashion, rescheduling officials who provide notification more than 24 hours before the assigned game’s starting time, and assist in maintaining the KHOA website. The scheduler, at their convenience, may find suitable replacements for officials within the 24 hour timeframe, if requested, but the responsibility ultimately resides to the official who accepted the game.
Evaluator: Brian Richey
The Evaluator shall provide evaluations and feedback on game performances, assist in development of officials, maintain qualifications of members, and assist scheduler in appropriate game level assignments for officials. Each new member to the association shall, at minimum, have two evaluations. One in the first half the season to provide feedback and pointers for improvement, as well as one later in the season for determination of improvement. Evaluations of more seasoned officials will be on a as needed basis.
• Elected by a majority vote each year at the KHOA seminar.
• There are no term limits.
• Responsible for maintaining the relationships with the various leagues and associations as well as collaborating with other nearby officiating associations.
• Resigned positions during the term are to be filled by the President until the following seminar's election. If the President's position should become vacant, the Vice President shall assume the role of President and then he/she should fill the position of Vice President.
• Member removal may only be done with a unanimous vote by remaining Leadership members.
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